Allred Communications™
Telephone Systems and Networking Professionals Since 1984
We are experts at providing these types of services and solutions. Our individual and personalized attention to your business is what we excel at and what you can expect from being an Allred Communications™ customer.
We make it easy

Adelina Allred at work - ready to answer your billing questions.
Over the years we have provided service to all levels of government, including the United States Departments of Agriculture & Forestry, Social Security Administration, California State Board of Equalization and the Cities of San Mateo & Burlingame. Our systems have worked well in all types of professional offices; medical, legal, real estate, CPA's & insurance brokers. You may have called our phones in businesses at car dealerships, pest control companies, psychic readers, financial advisers, technology companies and many more. We've installed cabling including fiber for hospitals, cell towers, fire departments, police departments, libraries, churches and senior citizen's facilities, just to name a few.

Dave Allred - Heading to the next job!
Put me to work for you.

